Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Torrs Hydro Electric Scheme

The hydro electric scheme in the Torrs at New Mills is moving on to its next step, the group which are putting it together have a blog at http://torrs-hydro-new-mills.blogspot.com/ which includes a number of photos taken so far.

This Sunday (8th June) sees the “The Big Lift”, which is an event to mark the arrival of the Archimedean screw from Germany and it’s lowering from the Union Road Bridge into the Torrs.

Richard Body from the company set up for the scheme advises that it will be quite a sight and that for safety reasons the Union Road Bridge and the site immediately surrounding the lift and the construction works will be cordoned off and stewarded for public safety.

The Union Road Bridge and surrounding area will be closed at 8:00am and the screw is scheduled to arrive at 8:30am and the lift should be completed by 9:30am.

Members of the public are encouraged to come and see the Big Lift and the best vantage points will be from the river bank accessed by Hyde Bank Road or by the track down to the river near the Church Road Co-op.
They expect that the event will be quite popular! With the official switch on of the scheme been expected by mid-September.

For more information on the scheme goto www.torrshydro.co.uk

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