Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Tenant Board Members

High Peak Community Housing are on the look out for two tenant board members, one for the Central area (from New Mills across to the Hope Valley) on a 3 year term, and one for the north area (Glossopdale) on a one year term.

The type of people they are looking for must be dedicated to ensuring that tenants and leaseholders are at the heart of the decision making process of the company, keen to ensure that people live in vibrant communities throughout the High Peak, able to make and take informed and transparent decisions, committed to ensuring that this company is a top performing organisation, able and want to make a difference.

To be eligible to stand you must be over 18 and tenant / leaseholder of a High Peak Community Housing property, and be willing and able to attend 9 board and 4 sub group meeting per year in the evenings. Willing to attend organised training events, and willing to work with fellow board members, HPCH staff and tenants in a strategic role toward achieving the companies’ mission and objectives.

To find out more information on the role, please contact Linda McAlinden on 0845 129 8075 (extension 3803) or email Linda.mcalinden@hpch.co.uk. A form is also available on the website at www.hpch.co.uk and the closing date for application is Friday 8th August 2008.

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