Tuesday 24 February 2009

Gamesley Community Centre Partnership

Last Tuesday evening saw a meeting of the Gamesley Sports and
Community Centre Partnership.

Despite all the bad news and doom and gloom about there was actually
good news for the centre with the news that funding for the staff to
run the centre has been secured for the next two years and that with a
number of extra groups including the Primary Care Trust and Child
Services from the County Council either working from the centre and
looking to work from the centre the future looks quite good.

As part of this it now means that the centre can look to recruit permanent
staff to take over from the former head of the centre Lisa, and the very
able temp Kirsty who has been running things since Lisa moved on, with a
renewed focus on developing and improving the range of activates at the
centre along with making sure that the centre is linked in to all the
partnerships necessary to develop thing further.

The meeting also looked at some ideas around developing a bit more space for
things like storage and extra facilities at the centre so that some of the
existing groups working there including the excellent Gamesley Boxing Club
run by the lad's at the Tameside Elite Boxing Academy can improve what
activities they can offer.

The next steps now are to recruit the new staff to run the centre which will
be advertised shortly, along with a bit of a reorganisation for the
partnership to make sure the setup, structure and people involved are right
to take the centre on to the future and for that we expect to have a form of
annual general meeting at some point in April.

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