Tuesday 26 February 2008

Strange news from Derby

Odd things happening to Derby City Labour Party as flaged up by the Labour
of love blog and the blog of Cllr Graeme Smith with news that a large
number of defections from Labour to the Conservatives have taken place.
The news also gets covered in the Derby Evening Telegraph and even if its
not as bad originally thought with it now been reported as only 25
defections rather than the 300 originally reported it must make for
concerning reading for local members with local elections taking place in
However the news may not be all bad as Cllr Graeme Smith's blog notes with
the details the defection is related to the decision by the local party to
deselect a sitting councillor and that whilst the appearance nationally is
been given that the conservative's have changed they may find that localy
"little has changed about the party and their attitude".

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