Tuesday 8 January 2008

Kill it, cook it, eat it

Not for the faint of heart but this week sees the return of kill it, cook it, eat it on BBC 3, which features local butcher John Mettrick uncovering and explaining the process of how meat get from the farm to your plate.

This time, the series is focusing on the slaughter of young animals with Monday’s been on Piglets, Tuesday on Kid Goat, Wednesday Veal, Thursday Lamb and Friday featuring a round up of the week.

Each program covers the whole process from the farm and how the animals are treated, to the slaughter process, before been ‘butchered’ by John and then cooked for the audience whose views are taken at each step of the process.

Further details including a trailer for the show are available at www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/programmes/kill_it/index.shtml

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