Tuesday 11 December 2007

Votes at 16

Last Wednesday, Cardiff North Labour MP Julie Morgan, presented a private
members bill to parliament, which will reduce the voting age to 16.

The bill which seeks to address the anomaly which can see people aged 16 pay
tax, work, start families and even fight and die for their county, yet as
things currently stand they are not allowed a voice on who set's the polices
for these issue.

MP's from all parties, together with the electoral reform society and a
number of other organisations including the British Youth Council support
the bill, which will now have a second reading on the 6th June 2008,
hopefully MP's will support this measure when it come up again for
discussion because if it is introduced it could create a real opportunity to
re-invigorate political engagement by allowing young people to put in to
practice the lessons learnt in the citizenship clases recivied at school
until age 16.

A pack containing further information on the campaign can be downloaded from
: http://electoral-reform.org.uk/downloads/votesat16pack.pdf

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