Thursday, 11 January 2007

Bad news on the dental service

Last October, I took part in and reported on the successful interviews for a replacement provider for the dental service running in the clinic on Winster Mews.

It was expected that pending the various contact issue’s etc, that the new service would start early this year.

However after checking with the Tameside and Glossop PCT on how this was proceeding, I have been advised that unfortunately, due to staffing changes the successful bidder has had to withdraw, and the PCT will need to start the requirement process again.

This process will involve a national advert, and will unfortunately as these things do, take some time to complete meaning that it will be a little while longer before a full service is restored.

In the meantime, if you don’t have access to a dentist, you can contact the PCT on 0161 922 4242, and they will try to offer you dental treatment at a location as near and as soon as possible to resolve any immediate problems.

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