Although we're almost halfway through I forgot to post earlier what's on this week.
Monday saw a working on housing issues, where jointly with the HPCH board we started to consider what the councils response to some of the housing 'tenancy issues' should be, ie things like should the council offer fixed term tenancies etc. A useful if not wonderfully well attended session which the comments made will be considered before a workshop early next year with a slightly wider audience including more tenants and bodies such as citizens advice etc.
Tuesday saw a meeting of te council corporate select committee for a first look at some of the issues around the councils budget for next year, this was followed by a meeting of the executive that considered amongst others items the report on the Glossop Halls, along with a report on the Buxton Housing Market Intervension Project.
Wednesday sees a day in London for a one day event at the Local Government Association looking at issues around the impending changes to the council's housing revenue account and what this will mean for councils, tenants and all involved in council housing.
Thursday sees some more meeting around the community fund review, along with the Gamesley Christmas Market and a meeting of te Councils regeneration select committee looking at housing numbers in the local development framework and th Glossop design and place making strategy.
Friday sees this months councillors surgery followed by another community fund meeting, before my final weekend of the leadership academy at Warwick University.
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