Tuesday 2 December 2008

Gamesley Walkabout

I took an afternoon off work yesterday (Monday) to take part in a ward
walkabout with the still fairly new chief executive of the Borough Council
Simon Baker. The walkabouts are an idea started by Simon so he can get a
picture of the various issues that are occurring across the area.

Yesterday's walkabout covered the whole of the estate with a whole range of
issues, both good and bad been raised, from the works recently finished for
the Trans Pennine trail, to the problems with the Samas Roneo and former Old
Tup Sites.

One particular issue highlighted during the visit was the recent problems
that are been caused by the changes to the street cleaning service on the
estate and in other areas worked on by HPCH (High Peak Community Housing)
which I hope will soon be resolved soon.

An interesting exercise which I hope will have both raised some issues that
can be resolved soon, along with highlighting some of the longer term
problems and schemes that we hope will be put in place before long such as
the station.

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