Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Unlocking democracy

Thursday evening saw a trip to Manchester's Central Methodist hall to see a
debate organised by the Greater Manchester Fabian Society on the theme of
unlocking democracy.

Around 25 people were in attendance to hear David Chaytor MP for Bury North
and Peter Davidson of the Unlock democracy campaign debate a variety of
issues around the theme including the need for a written constitution,
reforms to the current voting system, decentralisation of power and the
potential impact that some of the social networking technologies such as
face book could have in the future.

Overall an interesting debate which for my own interests I would have liked
to see the debate expanded on why the usual suggested method of dealing with
poor voter turnout in local elections in to suggest changes to the voting
system rather than consideration been given to giving local government more
/ enhanced powers over some of the various quangos in existence, so that
there is an increased role / purpose for local government rather than us
just been seen as a minor part in the process.

Anyway if you are interested in the topic or would to find out more about
the Greater Manchester Fabians the debate continues on there blog at

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