Tuesday 12 February 2008

Safer Neighbourhood Team Meeting

Last Thursday afternoon saw a meeting of the Gamesley and Charlesworth Safer
Neighbourhood team.

Amongst the items discussed were plans for the forthcoming designated places
order for Glossop and Gamesley which will give police additional powers
around drinking on the streets.

Concerns over both motor bikes been stolen and where some locals are riding
bikes, with a plea from police for neighbourhood watch co-ordinators to
alert them to any theft problems along with reminding local about
availability of shed locks and crime prevention measures to prevent bikes
from been stolen.

Concern over problems with anti social behaviour in the Bakewell area, along
with concerns over the plastic bottle banks at the shops, there were however
no specific concerns raised following a visit to the building works at

Finally a plea for more neighbourhood watches was made so that further areas
were covered, any interested residents were asked to contact a member of the
beat team either via the housing office on Winster Mews or by phoning on
0845 123 3333.

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