Monday 31 December 2007

Join the NHS Direct co-op

Spotted on the Politics for people unofficial blog of Co-operative Party was details on the joining the foundation trust bid of NHS Direct.

NHS Foundation Trusts have largely been a great success - involving and engaging staff, patients and the community at large in a similar way to Co-operative.

Some of the new foundation trusts have even written the Rochdale Principles which are a set of ideals for the operation of Co-operatives into their constitutions, to show their commitment to co-op values.

There are currently 83 NHS Foundation Trusts, mostly local general hospitals, with some specialist hospitals such as Liverpool's Alder Hey and Christies in Manchester.

Now the first national NHS organisation, NHS Direct, is looking to become a Foundation Trust.

NHS Direct is one of the newest, most consumer focused parts of the NHS providing 24-hour health care - delivering telephone and e-health information services day and night direct to the public, but without a physical presence like a hospital it might be missing out on ability to draw on volunteers and ideas, and people who really caring about the service they provide.

If you would like join the bid or just give your views on it click here for further information. You can also join still join and take part in the Tameside Hospital Foundation Trust bid, by clicking here for further information.

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