Tuesday 13 February 2007

Fairtrade Fortnight – action requested

I previously posted about the Fairtrade motion that went to the Christmas Council Meeting.

The motion which had been put forward by fellow Glossopdale Labour Councillor Roger Wilkinson, received the support of most of the council at the meeting, with members from across the various political groups speaking in favour.

Well now Glossop’s Fairtrade Group, have contacted the leader of the Council Dave Lomax, to see if the ‘general good feeling’ to the idea of Fairtrade will be backed up with ‘real’ support from the council.

The group are not looking for much, mainly support / assistance from the council to hold a number of events during Fairtrade Fortnight which starts on the 26th February and runs until 11th March.

I hope that some support will be forthcoming, and as soon as I know the details I will post more.

If you would like to get involved in the Fairtrade Glossop Group, they have a website at www.fairtradeglossop.org.uk, and can be contacted via email to : info@fairtradeglossop.org.uk

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