Wednesday 14 February 2007

Crime and justice coffee morning

Tuesday morning saw a coffee morning organised by Tom Levitt MP to discuss crime and justice issue’s, and what the views of local people are.

The format for the event was basically a round table discussion led by Tom, expanding on the issue’s raised in his recently circulated questionnaire.

Attending the event along with Tom was the other Councillor Mckeown, Detective Chief Inspector Tony Blockley and just short of a dozen local residents.

An interesting range of issue’s was discussed ranging from sentence lengths, the justice process, to making better use of community service, by showing the communities where and how the sentence given has been carried out.

There was also talk around looking more at what can be done to try and tackle some of these problems before they start, local examples of this been the work been done by the Early Excellence Centre on the estate. A useful discussion and if you were sent a survey by Tom, please send it back.

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